Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Long Overdue Update

Well, I'm officially mid week 3 of my new program at the gym, Team Fitness. I finished up my 12 week Team Weight Loss program.

The official results:
Weight Loss = 15.5 lb (short of goal)
% Body Fat Loss = 6% (over 3% goal).

Unfortunately, I haven't been doing so great with all the company we have had. But we don't "weigh in" again until Week 6 of Team fitness. My home scale is holding at -18.5 lbs but hopefully that will start moving downward again, once things get back on schedule. Hubby is in the UK this week, so I don't have to make any meals. However, my sister will be here this weekend for a week (with her hubby and my nephew)! I do see a margarita in our future... ;)

Anyway, trying to get motivated. Think Thin (and Fit) for me!